Criminal Law
On September 28th 2012, a major change in the Ohio expungement law took effect. An expungement is a legal procedure that allows all references to past criminal convictions to be cleared and the court files sealed. The new law changes what convictions can be expunged. This means people with multiple convictions may be eligible to get their past offenses sealed. The following charges may qualify for expungement: One (1) felony conviction; two (2) separate misdemeanor convictions, if not the same offense, and no more than one (1) felony and one (1) misdemeanor offense. Not all crimes are eligible for expungement, such as: DUI, Driving Under Suspension, sex offenses, and other violent crimes. There are also time restrictions to expungements. Misdemeanor cases require a waiting period of one (1) year after the case is closed and felonies require a three (3) year waiting period after the case is closed. A case is considered closed when court costs and restitution are paid and when the person is discharged from any probation period. Although, it is still ultimately the Court’s decision to grant the expungment, it is an excellent way to put past mistakes behind you and have your criminal record sealed.
Theft/Forgery Criminal Defense Attorneys
A theft or forgery charge can have serious negative implications on your record, future employment, and can lead to severe penalties including excessive fines or jail time. If you face theft, forgery, burglary, or even simple shoplifting charges, you need an attorney who will investigate the charges and evidence, identify weaknesses in the government's case, and develop the best strategy for you. Whether you seek to protect your freedom, your reputation, or your financial security, the lawyers at Baker, Baker, and Baker, LLC, will work hard to achieve your goals.
Cuyahoga & Lorain County Domestic Violence Lawyers
Domestic violence is a crime committed by one family member against another. It includes charges such as simple, aggravated, or felonious assault, stalking, menacing, and other charges. It can involve spouses, boyfriends and girlfriends, children, parents, and elderly members of a household. If you have been charged with domestic violence, it is extremely important to consult a skilled criminal defense attorney, such as Baker, Baker & Baker LLC, as soon as possible. We have the experience, skill, and knowledge to help you achieve a positive resolution to this legal issue.
Northeast Ohio Drug Crime Lawyers
In Ohio, drug charges can carry heavy fines, jail time, and a loss of driving privileges. To protect your rights, you should retain an experienced Ohio drug crime lawyer, such as Baker, Baker & Baker LLC, as soon as possible. Many drug charges are felonies, but even possession of a small amount of marijuana can cause a 6-month drivers license suspension. Felony drug offenses also have the potential to result in forfeiture of money or property as an additional penalty if convicted of such an offense.
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